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Docker For Mac Unknown Blob Average ratng: 3,5/5 6419 reviews
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Login Succeeded The push refers to repository docker.pkg.github.com/marley-nodejs/mern-stack-front-to-back-v2.0/client.anketa.info 412bcb172467: Preparing. Bug 1408661 - 3.4 Fail to push built image to registry due to 'manifest blob unknown: blob unknown to registry' without define output image via oc new-build. Summary: 3.4 Fail to push built image to registry due to 'manifest blob unknown. The FROM of the Docker build is pointing to imagestream centos, tag '7'. It is trying to push.

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Error “blob upload unknown” pushing to gitlab 8.10 docker registry

After upgrading gitlab from 8.9.6 to 8.10 I cannot push images to my gitlab project's docker registry.

I'm using docker for mac 1.12-beta20 and was able to push images from my local machine up to my gitlab project's docker registry yesterday.

'docker push' makes several attempts with retries then fails with the message 'blob upload unknown'.

'docker pull' and 'docker login' appear to continue to work well.

Article ID: KB000474

The error blob upload unknown typically means an attempt was made to push a Docker image to an HA DTR installation, where the backend storage has not been configured for replication. This is typically an oversight during installation where the local filesystem is being used for storage but something like NFS isn't backing the storage. Switching to a replicated storage option solves this.

Note: Refer to the Compatibility Matrix for a list of DTR storage backends supported by Docker.


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If NFS mounts for all DTR replicas have been configured and the error persists, it may be because of the NFS server side settings do not meeting the requirements for NFS when in use with the registry. The required NFS server options are sync and actimeo=0. These ensure the writes occur from one replica and are immediately available on others.

If you are using the AWS Quickstart Template, an S3 bucket has already been created but requires configuring DTR to use it:

  • In DTR, go to Settings > Storage. Change the storage to S3. Set the AWS region name and S3 bucket name. The S3 bucket is already created. You can find this in the CloudFormation Stack's Outputs tab. The Key is S3Bucket , and the IAM role should already be setup.

  • The Access Key and **Secret Key **get passed automatically. The root directory can be left blank to use the default root.

  • After configuring DTR with S3, the ability to push and pull images is enabled, with them being stored in S3.