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Plugin Ibm Connections For Mac Average ratng: 3,8/5 9577 reviews

Limesurvey xampp download for mac download. Install the IBM® Connections Plug-ins for IBM Notesto access Files, Activities, Status Updates and business card integration from your IBM Notesclient.

Desktop computer plugins for Microsoft Home windows and Macintosh. Sharing a file from the IBM Connections for Mac plug-in 109.

There are two ways to install the IBM Connections Plug-insfor IBM Notes. A user can install plug-ins for a Notes®client using the InstallShield wizard, or an administrator can perform a silent installation for allplug-in users.

Installing the Plug-ins on a Windows™ client

Install the plug-ins so that the IBM Connections featuresare integrated with the IBM Notes client

  1. Download the IBM Connections Plug-ins for IBM Notes fromthe IBM Connections catalog at the following web site: https://xspy.mybluemix.net
  2. Extract ConnectionsAddonInstaller.zip and click Setup.exe.
  3. Make sure your IBM Notes client is closed before beginning the installation.
  4. Accept installation prompts for installing the plug-ins.
  5. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Silently installing the IBM Connections Plug-ins (Windows)

Administrators can silently install the Connections plug-ins from the command prompt. A silentinstallation uses the same installation program that the graphical user interface (GUI) versionusers. However, instead of displaying a wizard interface, the silent installation reads all yourresponses from parameters that you pass to the command line. In order for the installation to worksuccessfully, you must run the silent installation from the directory where you extracted theplug-ins files.

  1. Make sure your IBM Notes client is closed before beginning the installation.
  2. Open a command window. For example, choose Run from the Microsoft™Windows Start menu and type cmd,then click OK.
  3. Specify the path for the downloaded and unzipped installation file for the plug-in. For example,c:<download_folder>.
  4. Enter setup.exe /s /v' /qn' to begin the installation.

Installing the Plug-ins on a Mac client

Install the Mac version of the IBM Connections Plug-ins forIBM Notes so that it is integrated with the IBM Notes client.

Consider the following before you install:
  • If you run the unsigned installer on Mac 10.7.5 or newer, turn off the GateKeeper first beforerunning the installer. To turn off the GateKeeper, got to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and Click Anywhere as the value for Allowapplications downloaded from.
  • If you are installing a subset of the plug-ins with the signed installer on Mac 10.7.5 or later,turn off GateKeeper, then delete the _CodeSignature fromxpd.addon-mac.pkg/Contents/_CodeSignature.
  1. Download the IBM Connections Plug-ins for IBM Notes fromthe IBM Connections catalog at the following web site: https://xspy.mybluemix.net
  2. Extract ConnectionsAddonInstaller_Mac.zip.
  3. Make sure your IBM Notes client is closed before beginning the installation.
  4. Double-click xpd.mac-addon.pkg to launch the installation program.
  5. Accept installation prompts for installing the plug-ins.
  6. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Silently installing the IBM Connections Plug-ins(Mac)

Administrators can silently install the Connections Files plug-in from the command prompt. Asilent installation uses the same installation program that the graphical user interface (GUI)version users. However, instead of displaying a wizard interface, the silent installation reads allyour responses from parameters that you pass to the command line. In order for the installation towork successfully, you must run the silent installation from the directory where you unzipped theplug-in files.

  1. Make sure your IBM Notes client is closed before beginning the installation.
  2. Open a terminal window and specify the path for the downloaded and unzipped installation filefor the plug-ins. For example, /ConnectionsAddonInstaller_Mac.
  3. Enter sudo Installer -pkg package name -targetdestination volume to begin the installation. Where:
    • package name is xpd.addon-mac.pkg, the name of theinstaller.
    • destination volume is the disk where IBM Notes was installed.

    For example: sudo Installer -pkg xpd.addon-mac.pkg -target Macintosh_HD

  4. Enter your password at the prompt to begin the installation. When the installation completes, aterminal message displays The installation was successful.

Viewing the log files

If you encounter any errors during the installationor configuration process, review the log files for troubleshooting information.

On Windows, the logs for the plug-in are stored in the defaulttemp directory for users. For example, on Windows XP, thedirectory is: C:documents and settings<username>LocalSettingstemprcp_addon_install.txtTo view the logs on a Mac, follow these steps.
  1. Change to the directory where Notes is installed.
  2. Navigate to /Contents/MacOS/rcp/deploy/instalHistory.
  3. Find the zip file. It's name will be similar to this:Notes_8.5.3FP4_ADDON_INSTALL_1311563867253.zip orNotes_8.5.3FP4_ADDON_UNINSTALL_1311572948964.zip.
  4. Extract the file and navigate to /colutil/tmp to access the log.
There is a configuration which can prevent users from uploading, downloading, or sharingfiles. Users will be able to view files, but, when trying to upload, download, or share a file willsee this error message: 'A problem with the server was encountered'. This is most likely because anencrypted connection (SSL) setting called 'Forced confidential' is enabled in theLotusConnections-config.xml file on the IBM Connections server and it creates a conflict on the Notes client. To correct this problem, set the following Files configuration setting in theplugin_customization.ini file. This setting applies to all versions of Notes.
  1. Open the plugin_customization.ini file for the Notes client in a text editor. The file is stored in the following directory:<NotesInstall>/framework/rcp/plugin_customization.ini
    Note: On Mac, your path might bedifferent depending on where you installed Notes. Forexample, your path might be:
    /Applications/Notes.app(or or Lotus Notes.appor IBMNotes.app)/Contents/MacOS/rcp/eclipse/features/plugin_customization.ini
  2. Add this line:
Plugin Ibm Connections For Mac

For detailed information on managing security settings, see this article on Creating a Connections server document in the IBM Notes/Dominowiki.

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