воскресенье 26 апреляadmin
Excel For Mac 2011 Add Percent Style Average ratng: 3,6/5 6172 reviews

Same issue here with Excel 2011, problem started with the Yosemite installation and was not fixed with 10.10.1 nor the latest Microsoft update. Comma style is Excel mainly used for numbers to distinguish the different lengths like hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. This allows users to read and spell the numbers incorrect form. To enable the comma in any cell select Format Cells from the right-click menu and from Number section check the box of Use 1000 separator (,).

You can add data labels to an Excel 2010 chart to help identify the values shown in each data point of the data series. Excel provides several options for the placement and formatting of data labels.

Use the following steps to add data labels to series in a chart:

  1. Click anywhere on the chart that you want to modify.

  2. On the Chart Tools Layout tab, click the Data Labels button in the Labels group.

    Fixfoto 3 0 keygen machine. A menu of data label placement options appears:

    • None: The default choice; it means you don’t want to display data labels.

    • Center to position the data labels in the middle of each data point.

    • Inside End to position the data labels inside the end of each data point.

    • Inside Base to position the data labels inside the base of each data point.

    • Outside End to position the data labels outside the end of each data point.

  3. Select where you want the data label to be placed.

    Data labels added to a chart with a placement of Outside End.
  4. On the Chart Tools Layout tab, click Data Labels→More Data Label Options.

    The Format Data Labels dialog box appears. You can use the options on the Label Options, Number, Fill, Border Color, Border Styles, Shadow, Glow and Soft Edges, 3-D Format, and Alignment tabs to customize the appearance and position of the data labels.

  5. If you don’t want the data label to be the series value, choose a different option from the Label Options area.

    You can change the labels to show the Series Name, the Category Name, or the Value.

  6. Select Number in the left pane, and then choose a number style for the data labels.

  7. Customize any additional options and then click Close.

You can easily remove the data labels by clicking the Data Labels button in the Labels group on the Chart Tools Layout tab and selecting None from the drop-down menu.